Dousman Municipal Building

118 S. Main Street
Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 7 am – 1 pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 1 pm – 5pm
Monthly Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month starting at 6:00pm at the Dousman Municipal Building.
Plan Commission Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm also at the Municipal Building.
- Eligibility to Comment.
Only those individuals who are registered to vote in the Village of Dousman, reside within the Village of Dousman, own a business located within the Village of Dousman, or pay taxes to the Village of Dousman may comment to the Board. Speakers shall provide proof of eligibility if requested, or be denied the right to comment. Members of the governing body are empowered to listen to the comments, but not to provide public comments themselves or to discuss or decide upon matters raised at this time. The only time for public comment is during the agenda item identified as such, and is prohibited during other agenda items.
- Request to Comment, Time Limit.
Public Comment shall end at 6:30 p.m. or sooner depending on the number of people signed up or unless the time for public comment is extended by the Board. Individuals wishing to comment shall complete a public comment form no later than five minutes before the commencement of the meeting. Public Comment is limited to three minutes per speaker.
- 3. Topic of Comment.
Public comments shall be limited only to matters of Village business, and are to be addressed only to the presiding officer.
4. Public Decorum.
Public comment is limited to oral statements, presented only by those who have completed the public comment sign-in form and have been recognized by the chair. Public comment shall be respectful and not disruptive of the meeting, and signs, clapping, shouting, whistling, booing, profanity, obscenity, personal attacks, and other disorderly behavior are prohibited. Violators shall be removed from the chambers.
5. Board Members May Not Respond to Comment.
Because Wisconsin’s Open Meetings law requires an agenda of discussion topics be given to the public prior to meetings, and that items that do not appear on the agenda may not be discussed, members shall not respond to, or debate, matters raised during public comment.
6. Posting of Public Comment Rules.
Public comment rules shall be posted at the sign-up table at meetings, and shall be made available to the public at the Village website and public notice posting locations.
7. Inclusion of Public Comment in Agendas.
An agenda item for Public Comment shall be included in the Village Board agenda and the preceding rules shall be utilized for the conduct of the public comment period.