ATV/UTV ROUTES POSTED!: ATV/UTV routes in the Village are now posted!   OTTAWA AVENUE/HWY Z IS NOT A POSTED ROAD!!!  NO ATV/UTV are allowed in the park only in designdated parking stalls. Only roads that have a posted sign are ATV/UTV approved!! No Exceptions: There are no exceptions to this rule; operating on an unposted roadway is illegal.    Check for Signs: Before using any road, riders should ensure it is properly posted as an ATV route.    Authorized Areas: Riders must stay within the designated ATV/UTV routes and areas.    Speed and Headlights: Riders must travel at appropriate speeds and ensure their headlights are functioning.   




Village of Dousman Fire Protection Fee

Over the past year the Village of Dousman has undertaken a detailed and comprehensive work effort to determine the best way to fund the necessary service of fire protection to its residents.


The Village Board has made the decision to implement fire service fees that enable the Village to accomplish the following goals:

  1. Protect the lives and property of all Dousman residents and businesses through fire protection, emergency management, education and prevention.
  2. Ensure that there is adequate funding for necessary operation, staffing and training.
  3. To apportion the cost of providing fire protection services in the most fair and equitable way.

Fire service fees are now listed as a special charge on the yearly tax bill and our tax levy has been lowered to reflect this change.




What is a fire service fee?  A fire service fee is a charge for having fire protection services provided by the Western Lakes Fire Department (WLFD) to all properties in the Village.  The revenue collected by this fee can only be used for the provisions of fire protection services in the Village of Dousman.


Who is required to pay a fire service fee?  All properties – residential, commercial, institutional and tax exempt – within the Village of Dousman are required to pay a fire service fee, with the exception of state-owned lands that already make an annual aid payment.


How are fire service fees calculated?  The Village of Dousman has established a fire service fee formula.  It is calculated through different variables; acreage, building square footage and outbuilding square footage.  By including all of these variables, the fee is more equity divided by the billing unit, or Domestic User Equivalent (DUE), to determine each parcels fire service fee.


Will the billing rate increase?  The Fire Board members representing each municipality and WLFD work in detail and with great consideration on a realistic working budget every year.  The Municipal Joint Owners of the WLFD then collectively vote to adopt that budget annually.  The Village of Dousman Board’s goal balances conservative budgeting while maintaining necessary service for all residents.


Is this just another tax?  A fire service fee is not a tax.  Although the service fee is a charge t customers, it is not a tax because it bears no relation to the taxable value of a property.  Instead, customers are charged based on acreage and building square footage that would require WLFD to provide a smaller or larger amount of personnel and/or equipment in response to a fire on their property.


2024 Fire Fee Figures  
Land $15 Flat Fee
Land $2 additional fee Above 1acre
Outbuilding  $10per 200 square feet
Residential, Commercial/Manufacturing 134.08/500 Square Feet
= Total Fire Fee

OBI (Out Building Improvements) DUE Calculation

  1. Out Building Improvements are defined as separate “non habitable” buildings above 200 sqft 
  2. non habitable” defined as not providing space for living, sleeping, eating or cooking
  3. Excludes all buildings under 200 sqft.
  4. Excludes all agricultural bins, cribs and silos
  5. The total square footage of any and all residential, commercial, industrial and institutional improved “non habitable” buildings divided by the figure of 200 square footage
  6. Residential Outbuildings definition – detached structures not classified as above ground living/work space structures on residential zoned parcels with a tax classification of Residential (Class 1) used for “incidental” purposes and functions.

*   Residential Outbuildings are not assigned above ground Living/work space     

     structure DUES for the fire district due to their “incidental” purposes and functions.



  1. 7. Agricultural Home site (Residential) Outbuildings – Detached structures not classified

As above ground Living/work space structures on agricultural zoned parcels with a tax classification of Other (Class7) used for “incidental” purposes and functions

  • Agricultural Homes site (Residential) Outbuildings are not assigned above ground Living/work space structure DUES for the fire district due to their “incidental” purposes and functions.
  1. Commercial and Manufacturing Warehouses – Detached structures not classified as above ground Living/work space structure on commercial or Manufacturing zoned parcels with a tax classification of commercial or Manufacturing (Class 2 or 3) used for the integral purpose and function of the business entities operations.
  • Commercial and Manufacturing Warehouses are assigned above ground Living/work space structure DUES for the fire district due to their “integral” purpose and function for a business entities operations. (i.e. Similar to the above ground Living/work space structure DUES assigned to residential attached garages)

Above Ground Residential, Commercial Industrial and Institutional DUE Calculation 

  1. Square footage calculation excludes all square footage below ground
  2. The total above ground square footage of all and any improved residential, principal commercial, principal industrial and principal institutional buildings. Attached garages will be included in the total square footage calculation.   
  3. This total square footage divided by the figure of 500 square footage